[103美國直購] 6ft 28AWG High Speed DM轉DVI適配器線 Cable w Ferrite Cores Black $324該商品熱烈促銷中。
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20140820ca_6ft 28AWG
6ft 28AWG High Speed HDMI? to DVI Adapter Cable w / Ferrite Cores - Black
Product Number: 2404
This HDMI? to DVI Adapter Cable is capable of video performance equivalent to a High Speed HDMI? Cable.
Ferrite Cores are small magnetic blocks wrapped around the end of a cable. They are used to suppress EMI/RFI electronic noise on the cable by absorbing the unwanted high frequencies and dissipating them as very low-level heat. This is the simplest and cheapest form of electronic noise reduction and is most effective on small gauge cabling, which is inherently more susceptible to electronic noise interference than thicker cables.
This cable is capable of the following HDMI? video features:
1080p Resolution - The High Speed HDMI? Cable has sufficient bandwidth to transfer 1080p video signals between 1080p rated source and sink (display) devices.
3D - 3D is the latest rage for both home theater and gaming. A High Speed HDMI? Cable is capable of handling the high bandwidth requirements of 3D signals.
4K - The 4K resolution is 3840 x 2160 pixels @ 24 Hz, which is four times that of a 1080p display and the same resolution used by state-of-the-art Digital Cinema systems. A High Speed HDMI? Cable is capable of handling the high bandwidth required for 4K support.
Deep Color - The Deep Color feature provides a minimum of 8-bits per color element (24-bits total), providing for a total of over 16 million color variations. Other versions of Deep Color allow for up to 16-bits per element, for a total of 48-bits and over 281 trillion color variations, which really makes your video images come to life!
x.v.Color? - x.v.Color? is a promotion name given to the products that have the capability to realize a wide color space based on the xvYCC specifications and is a trademark of Sony Corporation. Currently, only AVCHD and Playstation 3 devices support x.v.Color?.
[103美國直購] 6ft 28AWG High Speed DM轉DVI適配器線 Cable w Ferrite Cores Black $324
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